Mill of Kintail engagement Almonte

They travelled to Alberta for a friend’s wedding in July. When in Alberta, Lake Louise is a must. Scott knew it. Chantal knew it. But what she didn’t know was the ring he had in his pocket. Never mind that they were in the heat of July, the glacier water was still.. well glacier water. But standing in the cold, nothing could beat this feeling.

For them, lakes have a significance. Chantal grew up with the love of fishing. It was an activity she would do often with her father growing up. Following each other on social media, I’ve loved seeing so many fishing photos.

It was no surprise when Chantal wanted to have fishing and a lake involved in her engagement photos. Together, we found the perfect place. Mill of Kintail in Almonte. This little gem of a place is perfectly rustic looking and intimate feeling.

Scott and Chantal were in their element. We were telling jokes back and forth and I drove home with my cheeks hurting a bit. I couldn’t wait to go home and edit their Mill of Kintail engagement photos. What makes good photographs in my mind is if you feel comfortable and you feel like yourself. Hence, why I always try to have couples personalize their engagement photos. Just like this.

jessi lauren

 Mill of kintail Mill of kintail engagementMill of kintail engagementMill of kintail engagementMill of kintail almonteMill of kintail engagementMill of kintail Mill of kintail engagement ringMill of kintail Mill of kintail engagementMill of kintail engagementMill of kintail mississippi millsfishing engagement fishing engagementfishing engagement

This Mill of Kintail engagement was taken at The Mill of Kintail Conservation in Almonte.


Ottawa engagement photos


Temple's sugar bush wedding